It's striking. How all those colors can cling to the trees and the hillsides. The sun shines right thru the leaves as the wild flowers drench the ground. Dirt clings to my ankles creating the illusion of a dirty tan line. Silvery webs wrap themselves around me as I pass and they immediately begin their rebuild. Sweat rushes down my back as the climb creates a constant burn thru my shoulders and lower back. Little pebbles and pine needles kick up and wiggle down into my shoes. Caked mud and scrapes climb up my shins. Salt weaves its way thru my hair and drips into my eyes. There's sweaty dirt running down the sides of my face from a recent fall as blood dries to the base of my knee. A hot spot reminds me it's time for a new pair of shoes and the constant sloshing reassures me that my water supply won't let me down.

The indent in the back of my pack is an emergency snickers that is calling my name in the inevitable chance that all systems power down without my consent. My tank top is soft and feels comforting against my skin as my shorts create a tan line I'll never be able to hide. Each slow climb burns me from the inside out. Reminds me that the body is capable of so much more than we ever imagined. Tree limbs and black berry bushes reach out over the trail as if to dare me to use their help. Instead of going around the mud puddles and creeks, I only wish to barrel right thru them. Fog sweeps thru the trees and into the moss. Bee's surround me and the constant buzzing gets drowned out by the voices in my head telling me to turn back. But, I had a plan. I grit it out and continue on. As the downhill sneaks up and gravity crawls up my shoes I feel free and child like. Arms out, catching the wind and wolf cries echo off of the rock walls and evergreens. I watch each step for natures intruders and get distracted by everything around me. Rocks imbed themselves into my hands as I catch myself and continue on my way. Every mile completed fills my tank with more fuel to continue and every mile still left makes me question how much I really want it. At some point you make the decision to complete this run no matter what. Because, this is what trail running is.

It's a constant push to convince yourself that you are worth the finish.