"Sometimes when you are in a dark place you think you've been buried, but actually you've been planted." Christine Caine

It's amazing how spending hours on the internet watching videos on ultra marathons can skew your view on mileage. I started thinking ..."ohhh 31 miles isn't that much...some people run 100 miles.." But, let me tell you.... it is no small feat. Maybe for someone who trains for 100K's and 100 milers...but not to me.
I wont reiterate how terrible Smith Rock was for me...I did finish...but I was destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically. If you really wanna re live that journey feel free to read the super exhilarating blog post on that nightmare.

My biggest fear was starting Mt. Hood 50K and being miserable the whole time..missing the beautiful parts of long distance trail running. I told myself before I started that this was my main goal... to enjoy. So, I woke up race day and had a piece of toast with butter and a Raspberry Munk Pack. Wasn't gonna not fuel this time.
I started out slow... much much slower than what I wanted to. The first 6 miles flew by. It was absolutely beautiful. The first aid station I forced myself to eat 1/4 of a peanut butter & jelly sandwich and a cup of coke and ginger ale and then I was off. I do this thing to focus... I find a runner that is going my ideal pace and I snuggle up behind them (don't worry I have SOME boundaries....I keep a little distance)..my first "runner" was a guy with what looked like a puzzle piece man tattoo on his right calve. I followed behind him for a good 3 miles. Runner #2 was a woman who had a St. Johns Bridge tattoo on her left calve. Runner #3 was a really tall man who had ran the 50 miler the day before. I remember sending up a little prayer that he would do well because his early zombie shuffle made me nervous for him. After the 2nd aid station I started to struggle up a good size hill...and found my 4th runner. Her name is Bobi Jo and she was great. She asked me lots of questions and it kinda took my mind of the brutal climb. One of my favorite parts of running is the community. I love feeling like someones always got my back out there....complete strangers that are like family. Something that gave me a huge pep in my step was 3 different people yelling out "SMASH" on the course. ----> I guess more people follow my Instagram than I thought:)

As I came rolling into the aid station at the turn around I felt a little beat but still ready to rock n roll. I had continued to eat a 1/4 of a PB&J at every aid station and a cup or 2 of coke. I had also been sipping on my Hammer Perpetuem just to make sure I was keeping up on my nutrition. As I rolled back into the aid station at FSR 58 (where my husband was helping at a little over 17 miles-which was a WELCOMED surprise) I was no longer accepting solid foods. So, I switched over to just water, coke, and perpetuem. I had also been popping these wintergreen caffeine mints (Viter Energy Mints) that I got in last months stride box.

The last 3 miles were a very close replay of Smith Rock...I repeated the words "Find a way" over and over again...mixed in with several hundred F bombs. My shoes were full of rocks and pine needles and every step felt like my feet were about to fall off. I prayed for them to fall off. I made weird facial expressions as I willed myself up what were tiny hills but felt like ginormous mountains.... turns out my face was really the only part of my body I was able to control at that time...so wiggling my eye browns and squinting my eyes was a fancy luxury. I started dreamed of a giant bottle of Coca Cola...this is coming from a person who has only had coke twice in the past 8 years. Once for my first ultra and then during my second. Apparently, ultra marathoner Ashley LOVES Coke. But, it's bad for you k...dont drink it #doasisaynotasido. My goal was to do WAY better than the last. My silent goal I made to myself was under 6.5 hours. I came up over that tiny hill and opening of the trees to the finish at 6:25:01. I actually remember crossing the finish. I reached for my face and almost started to cry but then my head start pounding. And I just remember thinking...I don't even care that it hurts...because I am present in this moment. I remember it all. I had a beautiful day of incredible amazing memories. The volunteers were amazing, the runners were amazing and I was amazing. I may not have won any awards....but I showed up for redemption and I got it. I might as well of won the whole thing...because my heart had wings....oh and lots of Coke.
After thoughts....
Go Beyond Racing is so great. I love participating in their races. Everything is very organized, the aid stations were fantastic and the course was well marked. So very grateful for races that are put on by people who actually care how the races goes. Thanks Go Beyond Racing!
So very proud of you!