The Bend Marathon & Half was VERY organized and so beautiful. The volunteers were amazing, the vendors were great and the runners even more so. It was very chilly but beautiful. A couple miles into the race it did snow and hail...that was a little surprising. And the hills were a lot more frequent than I thought they would be. And did I mention 4 other times that it was beautiful? No? Oh, welllll, it was.
I signed up for this race after my friend Barb asked me to come with and support her while she ran the Bend Full Marathon. I figured it would be a great opportunity to get an idea of what the higher elevation is going to feel like during my Smith Rock Ultra in 11 days. Despite the challenging course and the fact that I was taking it a little easier than I usually would for an organized run ( #tapering) , I still ran a personal best. Ran the half in 2:04:14. If it had been a flatter course I definitely would've been under 2 hours. Overall, very happy with my time. After I crossed the finish line I was coughing quite a bit though-I am guessing it was due to not being used to running 13.1 miles at 3,200ft. Don't worry I wasn't the only one, I swear!. Been concerned about my running cadence recently. I have been averaging about 130 or so for the past 10 runs.... Not great when you are shooting for within 20 of 180. Well not only did I have a personal best on a challenging course at higher elevation but also got my running cadence to an average of 166 spm. So, I am not mad about that at all.

Barb also ran her personal best for the Full Marathon. She did really really great. Running the full with a time of 4:24:00. And she didn't really seem to be that beat up afterwards. It really was an amazing running day. Very proud of both of us and cant wait to see what new heights we reach. This is only the beginning and I am going nowhere but UP!
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